Two weeks ago Kathryn from Life on the Scrap Beach on her Thursday weekly Ustream show told a story of a 10 year old boy, Stephen Goodman from Surprise, AZ who wanted to send a thank you card to all military personnel. Not to one platoon, or to just one division, but to every actively deployed service member in the U.S. military.
Donations are being accepted from anyone creating handmade thank you cards on Stephen’s behalf. For every five cards and envelopes sent to Bazzill, the maker will be entered into a drawing to win two FREE tickets to the last Creative Escape 2011 (travel and accommodations, not included). Cards must be received by July 1, 2011. Click here to go to the Bazzill blog and read all about it: Bazzill Basics Paper.
I made 10 cards and here is a sample of what I sent:

It took me an hour to do these, imagine Stephen and his family have already done more than 15,000 themselves! I really hope he reaches his goal. It is totally awesome, whether you believe in the war or not it is important that each of our men and women know how much they are loved and how much we wish their speedy and safe return home. Please, be sure when making your cards that you DO NOT use glitter. It shines in the night and makes them an easy target. I hope you find it in your hearts to help Stephen.

My two year anniversary to my blog is coming up! Wow, be sure to keep an eye out next week. I will be posting a small giveaway in honor of my wonderful 2 years. Have an awesome weekend. Hugz, Z