I understand in some parts of the country you guys (you can tell I'm from Jersey~we always say "you guys") don't have "Mischief Night"? Oh, what fun you have been missing! Just before Halloween we always have "Mischief Night" this is where the kids are allowed to use toilet paper and throw it as hard and as high as you can to reach the top of the trees, porch, bushes and anything else that is standing. lol
They also, take soap and write on the car windows! Always great when it rains the next day and washes it all away!. ;o) But, not this year. This street in Manasquan is Parker Ave. and the whole street let the kids come and make a mess to spare the rest of us in the town. LOL

This is the close up.

And here is another view! Can you just imagine what this street was last night in the dark with all those kids running around! Oh, what mischief magic!
Thanks for stopping bye!